
If you run into trouble with Ayrshare: Linking Facebook or Instagram, posting, connecting X/Twitter, mentions, or other questions.

Sometimes things don't go right, and that is where a troubleshooting guide comes in. If you don't see your issue here or you can't solve it, please either chat with us or email us.

Errors Linking Facebook or Instagram

If you're having issues linking your Facebook or Instagram accounts, a few potential issues might be the cause

Here are a few of the top issues. Please see the next sections for additional information.

  • Recently created Facebook Pages, or Instagram accounts often have trouble posting. You might get this error:

    • Ayrshare could not be linked to Facebook. Maybe you're out of network connection or we couldn't establish a connection to our server. Check your connection and try again later.

    • Facebook tries to prevent spam and new accounts are considered higher risk. We suggest only linking accounts that are at least 7 days old.

  • Grant All Permissions

    • Grant all permissions Ayrshare requests during authorization. Removing permissions may cause unintended issue at the social networks or Ayrshare's APIs. Also allow pop-ups in your browser.

  • Facebook Page Admin Rights

    • Your personal Facebook profile must have an admin role for that Page you wish to connect, including the when connecting an Instagram account.

    • Admin rights through inheritance from a parent Page can not be connected. You may verify by going to => settings -> Page Roles and seeing the section labeled "Admin (inherited from parent Page)".

    • If you have the correct permission, but do not see the Page listed when connecting either Facebook or Instagram, it means the permissions have not been fully granted.

  • Switched Instagram Profiles

    • Switching from Business or Creator Profiles to Personal unlinks the Facebook Page connection. The Facebook-Instagram connection must be re-established.

    • Verify that your Instagram account is a Business or Creator profile.

  • Linking Instagram gives an error that it must be a Business Profile

Request to Reverify Facebook Login

Facebook is asking you to verify your account login again.

Open a new tab/window in your browser and go to Log out of Facebook and login once more. If you're asked to verify your account or a CAPTCHA question, please complete it.

Head back to the Ayrshare dashboard Social Accounts page, refresh your page, and try linking Facebook once more.

Note: Please be sure that a Facebook Page is linked with your Facebook account. This is required to link to Facebook and you will be asked to select the Page to link and post.

Facebook or Instagram Account is New

If you receive the error: "Could not link Ayrshare to Facebook. You may not be connected to the network or we could not establish a connection with our server. Check your connection and try again later."

The cause might be you're using a newly created Facebook or Instagram account. Facebook states that "There is a 60-minute delay before new accounts can log in to any applications".

Please wait 60-minutes and try again. However, we've seen new Facebook accounts take 5-7 days be to allowed.

Your Instagram Account Must Be a Business Account and Linked to a Facebook Page

Please here for details:

Instagram Linking

Switching from Business or Creator Profiles to Personal unlinks the Facebook Page connection. The Facebook-Instagram connection must be re-established.

Check If Your Account is Instagram Business or Creator

You can verify if your Instagram account is a Business or Creator Account by going to your Instagram mobile app and clicking the three bars in the upper right corner. Select "Settings" and then "Account".

At the bottom of the screen there may be a link "Switch account type". If not, please see the link Instagram Linking above for instructions. Click "Switch account type" and you should see the following if it is a Business Account:

If you see the above image, your account is Business or Creator and no changes are needed. If you have the option to switch to a Business or Creator Account, please choose it.

Missing Facebook Pages

If you don't see all your Facebook pages when linking:

  • Verify you are the owner, admin, or manager of the missing pages. See here for details.

  • When authorizing check to make sure the Facebook page permission is granted during linking. If you do no see the "Edit Settings" or a pop-up during linking does not appear, please see how to reauthorize Facebook.

Click Edit Settings

Check all checkboxes next to the pages and click Next and then Done.

Facebook or Instagram Could Not Load

If you encounter an error that there was an issue load the Facebook packages while trying to link Facebook or Instagram, it means that your browser blocked the loading of an essential Facebook SDK.

Please disable your VPN, tracking prevention, or ad blocker, reload the Ayrshare Dashboard, and try linking once more.

Also check your browser security settings for tracking prevention/protection:

Microsoft Edge

In Microsoft Edge, open Settings -> Privacy, Search, and Services. Change the Tracking Prevention to Balanced. Refresh the Ayrshare dashboard and try linking again.


In Firefox, open Settings -> Privacy & Security. Change the Enhanced Tracking Protection to Standard. Refresh the Ayrshare dashboard and try linking again.

Errors linking Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business)

You must claim your Google Business Profile page before linking it with Ayrshare. Be sure to choose the Google account that is an admin of your Google Business Profile page during link authorization.

See our article to learn more about Google Business Profile.

Trouble Posting to Facebook

If you receive an error when posting about Facebook permission issues or you don't see a Facebook Page listed it could be some access permissions were not granted.

Log into Facebook and go to the "Setting" -> "Settings & Privacy" -> "Security & Login" -> "Business Integration".

Click here for a direct link:

Edit Facebook Permissions

On the Business Integration page, click the Ayrshare App and choose "View and Edit".

A pop-up will show. Scroll down to "Create and Manage Content on Your Page" and ensure that it is enabled. If you see a checkbox with "Pages" then check it to select all pages.

Click "Save".

Head back to the Ayrshare Dashboard and unlink and relink Facebook. You should now have the correct permissions.

Still Having Issue with Facebook Permissions?

If the issue still persists, please go back into the Facebook admin setting under Business Integration and "Remove" the Ayrshare app. Go back into the Ayrshare Dashboard unlink and relink Facebook.

Trouble Posting to Instagram

If you receive an error when posting about Instagram permission issues or that your account isn't linked, even though you linked your Facebook account, it could be some access permissions were not granted.

For example, if you receive the errors:

  • Unsupported post request. Object with ID [id number] does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation


  • There is an issue with your Instagram account type or permissions.

Take the following steps:

1. Verify Your Instagram Business Account is Connected to a Facebook Page

Make sure your Instagram is a Business account and it is connected to a Facebook Page.

  1. Login to Facebook and navigate to your Facebook Page. Click 'Settings' from the left-hand menu on your screen.

  2. Select "Instagram" and verify your Instagram account is linked or by click "Connect Account".

  3. Unlink and re-link your Instagram account in the Ayrshare Dashboard under "Social Accounts".

See here for more details:

Instagram Linking

2. Check your Instagram Permissions

If the issue is still persists, check your permissions granted to Ayrshare.

Login to Facebook and go to the "Setting" -> "Settings & Privacy" -> "Security & Login" -> "Business Integration".

Click here for a direct link:

On the Business Integration page, click the Ayrshare App.

A pop-up will show. Scroll down to "Upload media and create post for Instagram" and "Access profile and posts for Instagram". Check both the boxes "Instagram Accounts":

Click "Save".‌

Head back to the Ayrshare Dashboard and unlink and relink Instagram. You should now have the correct permissions.

Post with @mentions didn't go through

The social networks are very particular on the frequency of @mentions and who is mentioned. The Free Plan does not allow mentions and will not send your posts.

Paid plans allow mentions, but the same mention can not be used twice within a 3 day period.

Errors making requests with the API

A few things to check to verify you have all the required information to successfully post, or call any API endpoint.

  1. Verify you are sending the API_KEY, found in the Ayrshare GUI dashboard under API Dashboard, in the header as an Authorization Bearer token. Also the proper Content Type must be set.

  2. For POST calls, validate properly formatted JSON is being sent in the body. Online tools can assist:

  3. If sending media via an external URL, make sure the proper MIME type is set for the image or video.

  4. Review the required endpoint's required parameters to be sure they are included and have the proper format.

Instagram or Facebook Error: Unsupported request - method type: post

If you receive an Instagram or Facebook error: "Unsupported request - method type: post" this could be due to a bug at Facebook. A possible fix is enabling the Facebook Off-Facebook Activity feature and then reconnect Ayrshare with Facebook.

The Off-Facebook permission allows other websites to publish on your or your users' behalf.

Please see the following steps to correct.

  1. On a desktop login to Mobile not supported.

  2. Review your "Future Off-Facebook Activity" by going here and selecting "Manage your off-facebook activity". If you're already connected you'll only see "Disconnect future activity".

  3. Verify off-facebook is toggled on. If off, please turn on. Otherwise, if on please toggle off and then back on.

  4. After toggling off-facebook to on, reset your Facebook connection and relink with Ayrshare: Trouble Posting to Facebook.

  5. When relinking, be sure all permissions are granted.

Facebook Login Disabled

If you try to link your Facebook or Instagram account on an Android device and receive:

"For your account security, logging in to Facebook from an embedded browser is disabled. To continue, download and log in to the Facebook app on your device and try again."

You will need to allow external links in your Facebook app.

Fix the issue by opening your Android Facebook app, going to settings, tap on “Media”, and then enable “Links open externally”. You can then try linking your Facebook or Instagram account once more.

Unfortunately there is currently no work-around for iOS devices.

YouTube Channels Not Showing

There can be several reasons why some YouTube channels are not showing up when using the YouTube API. Here are a few common causes:

  1. Channel Required

    • YouTube posting requires your YouTube account to have at least one Channel and be an owner on the Channel. To create a YouTube Channel, click on you profile in the YouTube Dashboard and choose "Create a Channel". You may also use this direct link to create a YouTube Channel:

  2. Owner or Admin of the Channel

    • The Google account logged in as must be the owner or admin of the Channel for it to be presented.

  3. Channel Privacy Settings

    • If a channel owner has set their channel privacy to "Private" or "Unlisted," their channel and its content will not be accessible through the API.

    • Private channels are only visible to the channel owner and authorized users, while unlisted channels can only be accessed with the direct channel URL.

  4. Age or Region Restrictions

    • If a channel has age-restricted content or is restricted in certain regions.

    • Age-restricted channels require users to be signed in and meet the age requirements to view the content.

  5. Deleted or Suspended Channels

    • If a channel has been deleted by the owner or suspended by YouTube for violating terms of service, it will no longer be accessible through the API.

    • Deleted channels are permanently removed, while suspended channels may become accessible again if the suspension is lifted.

Get an Unsplash Image URL

If copying an Unsplash URL to post in media_urls, please be sure to copy the image address.

Click on the Unsplash image you want to copy, right click the image, and select "Copy Image Address".

When a link is included in a post, X/Twitter tries to render a preview. X/Twitter meta tags on your site/page in the header are used to render the preview text, image, and link.

You can validate how the X/Twitter card will look by submitting your page link here:

If everything looks ok, but the preview is still not showing, please contact us for assistance.

How Do I Contact the Social Networks

We will try to help with any social network questions or issues you have, but sometimes the only solution is to directly contact the social networks. For example, if you have trouble logging into Facebook, only Meta (Facebook) would be able to assist.

Here is the social network's contact information:

Why Does Facebook show "Published by Ayrshare"?

The "Published by..." is not displayed to your Facebook Page visitors, only to administrators ("admin") of the Page.

In the Facebook admin view of a Page the source of the post is shown, for example "Published by Ayrshare". Facebook automatically adds this meta data in the admin view.

Please see here on how to view a Page as a visitor or view the page in a Private/Incognito tab in your browser.

Response Returns as "Bad Request"

If you receive HTML as a response of "Bad Request" instead of JSON, it is possible the POST body parameter is not valid JSON.

For example, if you send this invalid JSON:

    "post": "A "great" post"
    "platforms: ["twitter"]

A response of "Bad Request" will be returned. The code above has three issues: a missing comma on post, the post text has a double set of " quotes without escaping, and a missing end quote on platform. The valid JSON should be:

    "post": "A \"great\" post",
    "platforms": ["twitter"]

You can test your JSON by POSTing to the following URL to validate your JSON. Be sure to set the Content-Type to text/plain.

We recommend trying the call in Postman, which can help correct JSON formatting. Please see the next section for more information.

Validate JSON

You can validate your JSON by using either an online linter, such as or using Postman.

You may also use our /validate/json endpoint:


Response 500 Internal Error

If you receive a 500 error with the message "Internal Error" or "Internal Server Error" please verify that the URL called is valid as detailed in the Ayrshare docs.

If the URL looks ok, the Internal Error means that there was a network connectivity issue between your server and our cloud provider Google. If this error occurs, please retry your request.

Response Bad Gateway 502 or 504 Error

If you receive a 502 or 504 HTTP error with a "Bad Gateway" message, or timeout, and are trying to post a large media file and the call timed out. Please try sending the post as a scheduled post with a scheduleDate or use the beta endpoint, which allow for longer processing times. See the /post endpoint for details.{endpoint name}

For example, instead of, use

You may use the for the /post endpoint or any other endpoint.

Linking YouTube on Android: disallowed_useragent

If you are trying to link YouTube on an Android or iOS device but receive an "Error: disallowed_useragent", it may be due to Google rejecting your login request. An old browser is often the cause for this unauthorized browser agent rejection.

You can try to address this issue by updating your app to the latest Android SDK, Android OS, and Chrome version.

Facebook Post in Multiple Languages

Multiple language posting is not supported due to Facebook API limitations.

However, Facebook attempts to translate posts into the local language of the viewer. A user can turn on multi-language translations and even select the languages they don't want translated.

Turn On or Off Automatic Facebook Translations

You can turn off automatic Facebook translations of posts by going to

  1. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings.

  2. Click Language and Region.

  3. Click Edit of Languages you'd like to have posts translated into or Languages you don't want automatically translated.

  4. Search for the languages you don't want to be automatically translated, then click to select the language.

  5. Click Save Changes

Please see here Facebook Multiple Languages for more info.

Facebook and Instagram Issues

Why Was My Facebook or Instagram Account Unlinked from Ayrshare

Facebook/Instagram has rigorous security algorithms and if they flag a security event or suspicious activity on a user's account, Facebook may require re-authorization.

These security events usually occur outside of Ayrshare. For example, if the user changes on their password or username in a region they are not generally located, Facebook may flag this account and require 3rd party links to be re-established.

Possible causes:

  • Logging into Facebook in a new region or browser.

  • Logging into the same Facebook account from multiple browsers.

  • Changing your Facebook password or username.

  • Connecting numerous Facebook Pages under a single Facebook account and posting duplicate, similar, or frequent content across all the pages.

The next step is to have your user re-authorize Facebook/Instagram with Ayrshare.

Please note if a security event occurs at Facebook, such as the user changed their password, all Facebook pages under that Facebook account (a Facebook login), including Pages linked to Instagram accounts, need to be relinked with Ayrshare. Please see here for more information.

Why Does Facebook Suspended Accounts or Say Content Violated Community Standards

Facebook suspends accounts or marks posts as violating their community standard when their security AI is triggered. The reasons are often unknown, but can occur when the user changes their password at Facebook, posts a message manually to their feed or Facebook Messenger, or the security AI sees suspicious activity on the Facebook account. Sometimes posts are flagged by Facebook even when the post is seemingly innocuous, but the security AI sees the post as spam or other users have flagged similar post.

Often these issues occur outside of a post that went though Ayrshare.

Please see Facebook's Post Blocking Guide.

We recommend:

  1. Review your recent posts to ensure they aren't spammy, political, repetitive, or posted too frequently.

  2. Double-check any URLs you've included, as Facebook often flags posts with suspicious links. For example, if you are using your own link shortener that might cause issues.

  3. Check your server logs for any error messages returned from /post.

  4. Have the user log into Facebook and check if Facebook asks them to take any actions or provide more information. If everything looks ok, the user can try relinking Facebook with Ayrshare and posting again.

  5. If the user was suspended by Ayrshare re-activate the user profile in the Ayrshare Dashboard.

Facebook Message: "We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam. You can try again later."

If you encounter at the message "We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam. You can try again later" this might mean you posted or liked too frequently, invited too many people to a Page, messaged too frequently on Facebook Messenger, or Facebook made a mistake.

Facebook flagged your account a potential spammer or a bot. While there is no guaranteed remedy, we recommend decreasing your post, commenting, liking, and messaging frequency for several days.

See our recommended social posting limits.

Instagram Account Restricted

Your Instagram account may be marked as inactive, checkpointed, or restricted by Meta. This can occur for various reasons such as a security issue occurred or Instagram needs you to take an action in the app. Please sign in to the Instagram app and complete any actions the app requires to re-enable the account.

If there is no action to take in the Instagram app, the issue may be resolved if you set the "minimum age restriction" to off or by country in the Instagram app settings. Please see here for detailed instructions on how to change the Instagram minimum age restrictions.

Last updated