
History API Endpoint: Get the history of a post or all posts.

GET History of Sent and Scheduled Posts

GET https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history

Get a history of all posts sent via Ayrshare, in descending order (most recent to oldest). Only the past 30 days of history is returned unless the lastDays parameter is set.

History status fields values:

awaiting approval: Posts are awaiting to be approved via the Approval Workflow.

deleted: Post has been deleted. Note: deleted posts are only returned with the status query filter. Please see below.

error: An error occurred with one or more social networks.

pending: The posts has not yet been processed. Typically a scheduled post.

success: The post was successfully sent to all social networks.

Query Parameters




Filter by current status of post. Valid values: "success", "error", "processing", "pending", "deleted", and "awaiting approval". Processing indicated the post is currently being sent. Pending indicates the post is scheduled to be posted at a future date.



Returns the last n days of posts by the publish date (scheduleDate if a scheduled posts).

Default 30 days.

If the value is zero 0 will return the entire history of posts. E.g. lastDays=5 returns the last 5 days of posts and lastDays=0 returns all posts determined by the limit.



Returns the last n number of posts. For example, if you only want the most recent post, set limit=1. If not present will return all records contained within lastDays (see above).

Default 25 posts. Max value 500. Additional history available upon request.



Type values: immediate or scheduled.



Filter by social network platforms. Platform values: facebook, twitter, linkedin, instagram, youtube, reddit, telegram, gmb, pinterest, or tiktok.

Note, uses OR logic: ["facebook", "instagram"] returns posts from either.



Response as Object, otherwise as an Array. Default to true starting August 1, 2024





Format: Authorization: Bearer API_KEY. See Overview for more information.



Profile Key of a user profile.

  "history": [
        "errors": [],
        "post": "This is the  post I sent",
        "platforms": [
        "postIds": [
                "status": "success",
                "id": "1288968500063775749",    // Twitter Social ID
                "platform": "twitter"
                "id": "104923907983682_108683297607743", // Facebook Social ID
                "status": "success",
                "platform": "facebook"
        "urls": [],
        "type": "now",
        "notes": "Approved by John Smith",  // Reference notes set via /post
        "created": "2022-05-20T17:25:06Z",
        "status": "deleted",
        "scheduleDate": {    // In a future release changed to "scheduleDate": "2020-11-05T12:21:29Z"
            "_seconds": 1604578889,
            "_nanoseconds": 211000000,
            "utc": "2020-11-05T12:21:29Z"
        "id": "rhn6u7wwz2WxGv6MZGK9" // Ayrshare Top-Level Post ID
        "status": "success",
        "platforms": [
        "created": "2022-05-20T17:25:06Z",
        "post": "Sometimes we need to take a break for lunch.",
        "scheduleDate": {    // In a future release changed to "scheduleDate": "2020-11-05T12:21:29Z"
            "_seconds": 1604578889,
            "_nanoseconds": 211000000,
            "utc": "2020-11-05T12:21:29Z"
        "type": "now",
        "postIds": [
                "platform": "twitter",
                "id": "1288890036000983105", // Twitter Social ID
                "status": "success"
                "id": "104923907983682_108329970009742", // Facebook Social ID
                "status": "success",
                "platform": "facebook",
                "isVideo": true // Video post
        "errors": [],
        "urls": [],
        "id": "wWIY0OEirdNeYSJYm1Xa" // Ayrshare Post ID
    "refId": "9abf1426d6ce9122ef11c72bd62e59807c5cc083",
    "count": 100

Request Examples

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" \
-X GET https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history?objResposne=true

GET History by ID

GET https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history/:id

Get the history for a specific posts. Replace :id with the Ayrshare top level post ID.

Path Parameters




Ayrshare Post ID returned from /post

Query Parameters




Search all posts across all User Profiles for the post ID. Default: false





Format: Authorization: Bearer API_KEY. See Overview for more information.



Profile Key of a user profile.

        "tier": "business",
        "status": "success",
        "mediaUrls": [
        "postIds": [
                "platform": "facebook",
                "postUrl": "https://www.facebook.com/1105775157895689_361710168628052",
                "status": "success",
                "id": "105775157895689_361710168628052" // Facebook Social ID
        "id": "TBEEAqAMMJoweA8wKHUp", // Ayrshare Post ID
        "errors": [],
        "platforms": [
        "scheduleDate": {   // In a future release changed to "scheduleDate": "2020-11-05T12:21:29Z"
            "_seconds": 1604578889,
            "_nanoseconds": 211000000,
            "utc": "2020-11-05T12:21:29Z"
        "createDate": {    // deprecated, use created
            "_seconds": 1653067506,
            "_nanoseconds": 179000000,
            "utc": "2022-05-20T17:25:06Z"
        "created": "2022-05-20T17:25:06Z",
        "shortenLinks": true,
        "post": "Today is a great day",
        "notes": "Approved by John Smith", // reference notes set via /post
        "type": "scheduled"

Request Examples

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" \
-X GET https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history/TBEAAqAMMJoweA9wKHUl

GET Posts for a Platform

GET https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history/:platform

Get Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, or YouTube posts and analytics, even post that did not originate via via Ayrshare.

The ID returned is the low-level post ID directly from the social network and not the Ayrshare Post ID. For example, you can retrieve a post that was manually shared on facebook.com and use the low-level Facebook ID to get comments or analytics.

If you do not need posts that originated outside of Ayrshare, simply use the top-level id returned in a post on comment, analytics, or history.

:platform = facebook, instagram, linkedin, pinterest, tiktok, twitter, youtube.

Example: https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history/instagram

LinkedIn only supports Company Page history. LinkedIn Personal Page history is not supported by LinkedIn.

The Instagram mediaUrl field is omitted from response if the media contains copyrighted material or has been flagged for a copyright violation. Examples of copyrighted material can include audio on reels. You can check in the Instagram app under Settings -> Account Status.

Available for Business Plan users only.

Path Parameters




The platform of the posts to retrieve. Values: facebook, instagram, linkedin, pinterest, tiktok, twitter, youtube

Query Parameters




Number of history records to return. Default 10, Max: 300.



Skip gathering full analytics for Facebook Pages and Instagram. Returns only the social ID. Should be used if analytics aren't needed, for a faster return, or errors occur when limit > 100.

Default: false





Format: Authorization: Bearer API_KEY. See Overview for more information.



Profile Key of a user profile.

    "status": "success",
    "posts": [
        // Facebook Response Example
        // Note: If the FB page has fewer than 100 likes then not all analytics data available.
            "clicksUnique": 31,
            "created": "2022-06-14T23:43:21Z",
            "commentsCount": 13,
            "engagedUsers": 3,
            "fullPicture": "https://scontent.ford4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/287997502_758105082307121_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s720x720&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=EkktQTp_uWIAX_xtTxV&_nc_ht=scontent.ford4-1.fna&edm=AKK4YLsEAAAA&oh=00_AT-Y5Ht2Pl3MeY-qIBs6BC10SbZ-47Vfcc7DKiQrCnIUA&oe=62AEEECA",
            "id": "104619420979033_758005082307127", // Facebook Social ID
            "impressionsUnique": 0,
            "isPopular": false,
            "lastUpdated": "2022-06-14T23:43:38.359Z",
            "likeCount": 38,
            "mediaUrls": [    // If attached photos or video
                    "media": {
                        "image": {
                            "height": 412,
                            "src": "https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t15.5256-10/294978304_1014487762575117_6279324362130508123_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s720x720&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ad6a45&_nc_ohc=y3bYN-PGN0YAX9kO2qn&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&edm=AKK4YLsEAAAA&oh=00_AT9by7D4y4sjY4BW5RW53JO6BaG2UkpUCCJrrugW7GDW9w&oe=62E23000",
                            "width": 720
                        // Source if mediaType is video
                        "source": "https://video-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.25447-2/294718581_137662848672158_7246454806912028286_n.mp4?_nc_cat=111&vs=696d8a2ba08f208b&_nc_vs=HBkcFQAYJEdIVU1rUkdlb1RFaE5IMEFBSDdPNmVaQWxKQmtibWRqQUFBRhUAAsgBAEsGiBJwcm9ncmVzc2l2ZV9yZWNpcGUBMQ1zdWJzYW1wbGVfZnBzABB2bWFmX2VuYWJsZV9uc3ViACBtZWFzdXJlX29yaWdpbmFsX3Jlc29sdXRpb25fc3NpbQAoY29tcHV0ZV9zc2ltX29ubHlfYXRfb3JpZ2luYWxfcmVzb2x1dGlvbgARZGlzYWJsZV9wb3N0X3B2cXMAFQAlABwAACac%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%3D%3D&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=a06cc9&_nc_ohc=bA3WO4Dk72QAX9TB9ag&_nc_ht=video-lga3-1.xx&edm=AKK4YLsEAAAA&oh=00_AT_CzNhlIwNxY_7UMWIGQMNOtD-Aw_LGcVHnDWvcQJVkAw&oe=62E2ADE1&_nc_rid=780575090331889"
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            "nextUpdate": "2022-06-15T00:18:38.359Z",
            "parentId": "5764771300200609_742258953848744", // If a shared post, then the ID of the original post
            "post": "What a nice one",
            "postUrl": "https://www.facebook.com/104619420979033_758105082307121",
            "properties": [    // for videos only
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                    "text": "00:07"
            "reactions": {         // Total lifetime
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                "wow": 1,          // Wow reactions
                "sorry": 1,        // Sorry reactions
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            "id": "104619420979033_757752962332339", // Facebook Social ID
            "impressionsUnique": 1,
            "isPopular": false,
            "lastUpdated": "2022-06-14T23:40:48.453Z",
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            "nextUpdate": "2022-06-15T00:15:48.453Z",
            "post": "Finding The Best Headphones: Finding the best headphones for you depends on several factors.",
            "postUrl": "https://www.facebook.com/104619420979033_75775296233233",
            "reactions": {         // Total lifetime
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            "created": "2022-05-20T17:26:03Z",
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            "permalink": "https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_EubJFlMI/",
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            "post": "And finally, number eleven of the best shows of 2019 is #Mandalorian #BabyYoda #Bestof2019", 
            "postUrl": "https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_EubJFlMI/"    // same as permalink
            "commentsCount": 3,
            "created": "2024-04-29T16:10:10Z",
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            "username": "johnboy"
        // LinkedIn Response Example
            "clickCount": 0,
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            "created": "2022-12-28T16:07:38Z",
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            "id": "urn:li:share:701389826709", // LinkedIn Social ID
            "impressionCount": 3,
            "lastModified": "2022-12-28T16:07:38Z",
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                "appreciation": 5 // "Support" in the UI
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            "lastModified": "2022-12-28T17:05:11Z",
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                "maybe": 3,       // "Curious" in the UI
                "empathy": 3,     // "Love" in the UI
                "interest": 2     // "Insightful" in the UI
                "appreciation": 5 // "Support" in the UI
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            "productTags": [],
            "title": "My new post",
            "username": "ayrshare",
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            "created": "2022-08-09T22:25:12Z",
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            "post": "Peace begins with a smile. - Mother Teresa",
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            "username": "ayrshare",
            "width": 600
            "altText": "",
            "created": "2022-10-17T12:26:05Z",
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        // TikTok Response Example
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        // Twitter Response Example
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            "post": "To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different",
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        // YouTube Response Example
            "created": "2022-08-15T19:14:44Z",
            "description": "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. - Voltaire", // Deprecated, use "post" field
            "id": "Q-4OuHCALVa", // YouTube Social ID
            "position": 0,
            "post": "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. - Voltaire",
            "postUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-4OuHCALVa",
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            "title": "Yo time"
            "created": "2022-08-08T22:24:42Z",
            "description": "Little author little, one travels far. - J.R.R. Tolkien",  // Deprecated, use "post" field
            "id": "Btg4ysKnHea", // YouTube Social ID
            "position": 1,
            "post": "Little author little, one travels far. - J.R.R. Tolkien",
            "postUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btg4ysKnHea",
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            "title": "Nice one 2"
    "lastUpdated": "2022-11-14T16:04:51.994Z",
    "nextUpdate": "2022-11-14T16:37:21.994Z"

Request Examples

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" \
-X GET https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history/instagram

User Profile History

Get history data for a particular user profile by adding the PROFILE_KEY in the header.

History by Social ID

Retrieve history for posts that did not originate via Ayrshare by providing the low-level Social post ID. This Social ID is returned in the postIds field of the post endpoint or the id field from the get all history endpoint or the ID from a post URL, such as from this Facebook post.

The linked account must the owner of the post to retrieve the history.

Support platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube with the following platform values: facebook, instagram, linkedin, twitter, youtube.

GET History by Social Id

GET https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history/:socialId

Retrieve history for a post that did not originate via Ayrshare.

Available for Business Plan users only.

Path Parameters




The social ID of the post.

Query Parameters




Always equals true



Values: facebook, instagram, linkedin, tiktok, twitter, youtube





Format: Authorization: Bearer API_KEY. See Overview for more information.



Profile Key of a user profile.

        "commentsCount": 0,
        "created": "2024-01-25T23:01:23Z",
        "from": {
            "name": "Ayrshare",
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                "title": "🔥 Sneaker time!"
        "messageTags": [
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                "offset": 242,
                "length": 15
        "post": "🔥 Sneaker Time for all!",
        "postUrl": "https://www.facebook.com/reel/72681340799/",
        "lastUpdated": "2024-01-25T23:29:58.014Z",
        "nextUpdate": "2024-01-25T23:40:58.014Z"

Request Example

GET https://app.ayrshare.com/api/history/104923907983682_108329000309742?searchPlatformId=true&platform=facebook

Please see the /post endpoint Response 200 for another example of the Facebook Social ID 104923907983682_108329000309742

Last updated