
How to use the Bubble IO Ayrshare plugin to post to your social media accounts via Bubble.io

Quick Start: The Bubble.io Ayrshare Plugin

Bubble is one of the most powerful no-code software development platforms. The simplest way to get started is with Ayrshare's Bubble.io Plugin. See below for a more advance Bubble integration.

We recommend that you read through our tutorial article to get started. Or check out the video tutorial below.

First create an account at ayrshare.com. Then connect your social media accounts.

Connect Social Media Accounts

Once your accounts are connected you can navigate to the API Dashboard and copy your API key.

Remember that when you past in your API key in your Bubble app, to include the word "Bearer" in front of your API key.

For example:

Bearer bf55cc6f-76ac-46ce-b497-439d766f6c12

Add the Ayrshare plugin via the Bubble plugin marketplace to your Bubble app. In the plugin field "API Key" enter your API Key.

Now you can send posts via your Bubble app to your social media accounts. Learn more about the fields for the post endpoint in the link below.

Create a Post

The Bubble API Connector Plugin

Alternatively, you can use the Bubble API Connector Plugin to access the full power of the Ayrshare API. Here is a video which will get you started using the Bubble API connector with Ayrshare and walks you through how to post multiple images per post.

Bubble's API Connector can sometimes be tricky where missing a single closing quote or space can cause the connection to fail. We recommend watching the below videos carefully and re-reviewing if something isn't working.

Below is another tutorial video showing how to get social profile analytics in Bubble.

Post to Multiple Social Media Accounts

Here is a article with an overview:

Validate Bubble Post Data

When posting to Bubble via the API Connector, it can be difficult to determine if you are sending valid JSON. Often if the JSON posted to Ayrshare is invalid the response will be HTML.

Ayrshare has a /validateJSON url that allow you to post to instead of the typical /post endpoint. It will return "Valid" or "Not Valid". Be sure to set the Content-Type as text/plain instead of the typical application/json.

Click the Troubleshooting link below and then "Response Returns as Bad Request" to see the details.


Upload Media Files in Bubble

Use Bubble's File Uploader to upload your media files. These files are stores on Amazon's S3. You will receive back a URL that can be used in the mediaUrls body parameter of the /post endpoint.

Generate JWT Token in Bubble

To generate a JWT Token in Bubble, first you need to Stringify the private.key you send to the /profiles/generateJWT endpoint.

Step 1: Go to https://onlinetexttools.com/json-stringify-text and paste in your private.key in the left hand input text section. Then copy the stringified text on the right side to your clipboard.

Step 2: In your Bubble app, create a new call with the API Connector as shown below. The text in the privateKey field in the Body area is the stringified text that you created in step 1 above.

Also include your provided domain and profileKey as shown below.

Step 3: Click the Initialize call button and save the response. The url field in the response is what your user will click to access the social media accounts linking page.

If you are using the Business Plan or Enterprise Plan, this video shows you how to set up Bubble to enable all your users to link their social accounts.

Rewrite Text and Post to Social with AI in Bubble

How you can use Ayrshare and Bubble.io to build a rewriting and social posting app. The app takes some text, rewrites it 5 different ways, and posts it to your social accounts.

Bubble API Connector

We recommend using the Bubble API Connector to make your Ayrshare API calls.

Please note that Bubble will time out all API calls after 150 seconds and then retry the call once more. Large video might take longer than 150 seconds, which will cause Bubble to automatically try the post once more and result in a duplicate post error. We recommend using a schedule post for larger videos.

Useful Bubble Blog Articles

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