Frequently asked questions about Ayrshare. Find details on using the API, signing up, and the Business Plan.

Ayrshare Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ayrshare and the Social Media API?

Take a look at this quick video on how Ayrshare integrates with your platform and can power your social media via an API.

What social networks are supported?

We support Facebook, Google Business Profile, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Telegram, TikTok, X/Twitter, YouTube for text, image, and video posting.

What is the Basic Plan post limit?

The Basic plan is free and includes 20 posts a month with storage of your post history for 6 months - paid plans keep your post history forever. If you are looking for more, consider the Premium or Business plan with a higher level of monthly posts, video posts, mentions, and analytics. See our pricing guide for additional information.

Why should I use Ayrshare rather than the other social scheduling tools?

There are dozens of great products out there like Buffer, Hootsuite, etc. that help you manually manage and post to your social media accounts via a GUI. However, only Ayrshare is focused on a developer API-first solution. The Ayrshare API gives you the power to programmatically post or schedule content, get analytics, or create comments directly from your platform or website.

What if I have multiple clients or users?

Ayrshare offers a Business Plan to fit your multiple clients needs for companies, agencies, or platforms. Via the API or desktop interface you can create user accounts and post on your users' behalf. We also offer single sign on and white labeling for your brand.

For more information:

Multiple Users

What features does Ayrshare offer?

The key Ayrshare API features are:

Multiple User Management

Manage all your users’ social accounts right from your product. Post, Auto Schedule, and Analytics with the Business Plan via the API or the Ayrshare Dashboard. Learn more.

Schedule Posts

Create a post with text, images, or videos and send it immediately or schedule it for a future date or time. Learn more.

Delete Posts

Simply send the post ID to the delete endpoint to delete your post from all of your social media networks. Learn more.

Post History

Get history and status of the posts you sent via Ayrshare, with detailed metadata for each post. Learn more.

Advanced Analytics

Get advanced analytics for your users and post links including likes, retweets, and clicks. Learn more.


Manage your user’s direct messages, via the Messages API, to those who contact them across their preferred channels, allowing them to provide a seamless customer experience.

Images or Videos Management

Upload your image or videos directly to Ayrshare and get a URL to post with. No need for a separate image/video hosting service. Learn more.

Submit a URL and get a short URL to save characters in your posts. No need to pay for a separate link shortening service. Learn more.

Comment Management

Retrieve, post, and manage comments on a post. Never miss an opportunity to increase engagement. Learn more.

Auto Hashtags

Automatically add hashtags to your posts based on the most relevant key words. Takes into account real-time hashtag popularity. Learn more.


Retrieve, reply, or delete replies of reviews on Google Business Profile and Facebook pages.


Save your team's time by connecting with one of the Ayrshare integrations, such as Notion, Airtable, Make, Retool, and Bubble. Learn more.

Generate Posts with AI

Create or rewrite social posts, transcribe videos, and more using AI Learn more.


Register webhooks to receive asynchronous updates on events included scheduled posts, messages, and social account linking. Learn more.

RSS Feeds

Add an RSS Feed to set up automatic posting, including images. Learn more.

What kind of support does Ayrshare offer?

Ayrshare offers comprehensive support via the web chat interface and the support@ayrshare.com email. Most support tickets are quickly addressed within hours, general expectations for ticket responses from the support team are as follows:

PlanSupport Response Times


3 business days


5 business days


8 business days



For security, only registered team members may contact support on behalf of a business.

If your business requires a higher level of support, please contact your account representative to learn more about the Enterprise plans.

Do you have SDK packages to make my life easier?

We certainly do. We have Node.js and Python packages available. We also have a Bubble.io plugin, Airtable, Make, Notion, Flutter, and Retool guides.

Packages & Guides

How does Ayrshare secure and protect my account?


We take security very seriously. You have full control over the connection between Ayrshare and your social media accounts.

All the data you upload to Ayrshare is securely stored on the secure-by-design global cloud infrastructure.

  • All stored data is encrypted in transit and at rest. Every object's data and metadata is encrypted under the Advanced Encryption Standard, and each encryption key is itself encrypted with a regularly rotated set of master keys.

  • All social networks keys are stored in a secure secret manager vault.

  • Authentication is handled by Google with top-level security. Even we can't access your passwords.

  • When you delete a social network linkage we delete all information about that network. This means to restore the link you need to re-authorize the network.

  • All payment information is handled by Stripe, who are fully PCI compliant.

We also maintain controls to restrict our employees’ access to the your data.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Data Encryption

The Google Cloud handles all data storage:

  • Google uses several layers of encryption to protect customer data at rest in Google Cloud products.

  • Google Cloud encrypts all customer content stored at rest, without any action required from the customer, using one or more encryption mechanisms.

  • Data for storage is split into chunks, and each chunk is encrypted with a unique data encryption key. These data encryption keys are stored with the data, encrypted with ("wrapped" by) key encryption keys that are exclusively stored and used inside Google's central Key Management Service. Google's Key Management Service is redundant and globally distributed.

  • All data stored in Google Cloud is encrypted at the storage level using AES256, with the exception of a small number of Persistent Disks created before 2015 that use AES128.

  • Google uses a common cryptographic library, Tink, which incorporates our FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validated module, BoringCrypto, to implement encryption consistently across almost all Google Cloud products. Consistent use of a common library means that only a small team of cryptographers needs to implement and maintain this tightly controlled and reviewed code.

GDPR Data Protection Agreement

Please see our DPA for details on GDPR compliance.

Post Verification

Ayrshare has a verification system that analyzes your posts for compliance with the social networks' guidelines. If there is an issue we''ll let you know before sending the post. This helps prevent your social account from being locked or shadow banned.

See here more for information:

Post Verification

How many posts and API calls can I make?

We try not to impose limits on posting beyond the social networks' requirements. For example, LinkedIn limits 150 posts per day and Instagram 50 posts every 24 hours.

We recommend limiting daily posts to maximize views and engagement. Please see our recommended posting limits.

All posts and API calls are subject to Ayrshare's fair use policy to prevent abuse of the social networks' services. Please review the terms of service and rate limits for details.

How many social accounts can I connect?

Each user (also known as a user profile) in Ayrshare has one set of social accounts, e.g. one connection to each of our 10 available social networks. For example, a user can have one Facebook Page, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Google Business Profile, Telegram, and Reddit connection for a total of 10 connections. A Premium account is considered one user.

If you need multiple sets of social accounts, please contact us about the Premium Plus plan. Or if you have multiple users, please contact us about the Business Plan.

Are social networks' native apps and the APIs at parity?

The social networks don't always allow everything via their API as they do within their own native app. For example, Facebook does not yet support stories (but Instagram Stories is supported) even though you can add stories via the Facebook app.

The social networks are continually enhancing their offerings as is Ayrshare, so keep an eye out on our latest releases.

Does using an API affect post views or engagement?

The question of whether using a third-party platform or API, such as Ayrshare, affects post views or engagement on social media has been the subject of numerous studies [1, 2, 3].

The consensus among these studies is that utilizing an API or third-party platform to publish posts does not inherently influence views or engagement. The primary factors that determine the success of a social media post lie in the quality of the content, the timing of the post, and the frequency of posting.

  1. Content Quality: The most crucial aspect of driving views and engagement is the quality and relevance of the content being shared. Creating compelling, informative, or entertaining content that resonates with the target audience is essential for maximizing reach and engagement, regardless of the posting method.

  2. Optimal Posting Time: The timing of a post plays a significant role in its visibility and engagement. Different social media platforms have varying peak activity hours and days when users are most active and likely to engage with content. Posting during these optimal times can greatly increase the chances of the post being seen and interacted with by a larger audience.

  3. Posting Frequency: The frequency at which posts are published can also impact engagement levels. While maintaining a consistent posting schedule is important for keeping the audience engaged, posting too frequently can actually lead to a decrease in engagement.

How do you pronounce Ayrshare?

Ayrshare is pronounced as in "Air Share". Sharing over the social air!

Do I need to enter a credit card to get started? Nope!

We have a free tier that allows 20 posts a month so you can try out the API and see if it is right for you business. If you want more posts or functionality, check out our other plans or our business plan if you have multiple users.

How do I submit a feature request?

Do you have an idea for a feature or capability that's not currently available on our platform? We'd love to hear from you! Many of our features were developed based on feedback from users like you.

Just send us an email or chat with us to share your suggestions. Our team will review all recommendations. To see if your suggestion is implemented, keep an eye on our What's New at Ayrshare page.

How do I reset my password?

If you registered with an email and forgot you password, you can reset it by:

  1. Clicking "Sign in with email".

  2. Enter your login email address and click "Next".

  3. Click "Trouble signing in?" right below entering your password.

  4. Click "Send" to send reset password email.

An email from Ayrshare Support will be sent to your inbox. Please be sure to check your spam or other sorting folders if you don't see it.

If you registered with with Google or Github, please change your password at their site.

How do I change my subscription?

If you have a paid subscription, follow these steps to view your billing information or make changes to your subscription, such as adding a tax id, update billing information, or canceling your subscription:

  1. Sign in to your Ayrshare dashboard.

  2. If you have a Business Plan, make sure you are switched to your Primary Profile.

  3. Navigate to the "Account" page.

  4. On the "Account" page, you will find your billing details and options to modify or cancel your subscription.

Please note the following important information regarding cancellations:

  • For Business Plans and Premium Plus Plans:

    • When you cancel your subscription, it will remain active until the end of your current billing cycle.

    • You will be charged one final time on the cancellation date, as charges are processed at the end of each billing period.

    • For more details, please refer to our terms and conditions.

  • Upon cancellation, all posts will be removed from Ayrshare. However, they will still remain visible on the respective social media platforms where they were originally posted.

  • When you cancel your subscription, all information associated with your User Profiles will be permanently deleted from our system.

Where are my invoices?

If you have a paid account, please go to the dashboard, switch to you Primary Profile if you have a business plan, and go to the "Account" page. Click "Billing ->" to view your invoices, update your tax ID for future invoices, or update your billing details.

Last updated